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Planning Board Minutes 3/12/09
March 12th 2009 Planning Board Meeting Minutes
Public hearing on bylaw changes and Bach subdivision
Members Present: Larry, Bridget, Brian, Maggie and Cindy
Public Present: Rob Hoogs, John Sylbert (selectman), Steven Enoch (board of health), Wayne Burkhart (selectman), David Hellman, Rob Akroyd and the Hellmann family

Public Hearing open at 7:05
  • Public hearing to correct clerical errors within the current zoning bylaws. No public had questions or comments. Maggie made a motion to close the hearing, Brian seconded. It was unanimous.
  • 7:10 public hearing opened for the Common Driveway bylaw. It was explained by the board that any pre-existing driveways are Grand fathered. The bylaw would affect driveways from here forward. The amended date will be listed in the bylaw. Mr. Burkhart was curious about the permit process. The board explained that the main enforcer would be the Director of Operations. There was a suggestion to change the world serve to access. The 500ft. length was questioned. Mr. Hoogs stated that 1,000 ft. was common in surrounding towns. Mr. Sylbert questioned why we have a length at all. The board agreed that 1,000ft was more appropriate. Brian made a motion to close the meeting; Maggie made a motion to accept the recommended changes. It was unanimous.
  • 7:40 public hearing opened for bylaw changes to seasonal camps. Currently the bylaws allow for camps to operate for summer months only. This requires a special permit. The board agreed to change the wording to “camp and/ or…” Maggie made a motion to change the wording as stated above, Brian seconded that motion. Larry made a motion to close the meeting, Bridget seconded that motion. It was unanimous. The meeting closed at 8:10.
  • Public hearing for the Judy Bach subdivision project was opened at 8:15. David Hellman the attorney for the project pointed out that not all of the Planning Board members were present. He stated that as the law is now if they miss one meeting during the subdivision process they are not allowed to vote on the project. Because there were only five members present this meant that the participants of the subdivision would need four out of the five present to vote in favor of the project. Both Mr. Hellman and Mr. Ackroyd from Greylock Design objected to having the presentation without more Planning Board Members present. Mr. Hellman suggested continuing the meeting until there were seven members present or until the new meeting law was accepted at the town meeting on May 2nd.  The Howlette family who are abutters to the property objected to continuing the presentation. The Howlette family expressed concerns about changing the mountain. The Howlette family is hesitant about the subdivision next to their property.  The board agreed to continue the public hearing until May 14th 2009 at 7:05 P.M. Maggie made the motion to continue, Larry seconded. The motion to continue was passed with four in favor and Brian Puntin opposing. Mr. Hellman submitted a letter to extend the decision an additional 60 days from May 14th.
  • Previous meeting minutes were approved.
Submitted by,
Bridget Krans